Florida 2015

So this summer (12 days time to be precise) me and my boyfriend are spending 4 weeks in Orlando Florida, this is a graduation/beginning of adult life gift. This is going to be an insane 4 weeks filled with Sun Romance and theme parks. I am going to get to swim with dolphins for the first time ever which I am so excited for, as well as get to experience American life first hand. We have been saving FOREVER for this (well 18 months but who’s counting really). So we plan to live like millionaires for a month. I will be posting pictures, videos and other bits about this holiday so stay tuned for this.


So I’m totally new to this whole blogging thing but I thought I would give it a go!!

I am going to use this to get back in to photography and branch out my ideas, I’m just living it up in the capital city about to start my first full time job, (even though I didn’t finish university!) Moving in to a new flat in south west London and just about to go on the most amazing holiday to Orlando Florida.

So my life is pretty great right now and seen as I have some free time on my hands I figured it was the perfect time to start this. I plan to update this every week with bits about my life helpful hints for London living and I’m excited to take you along on this crazy journey.